
IMG_0035the view when I return from my dreams.

Window135 exhibition

Sunday 20/10/2014 – Monday 20/10/2014.
Window 135 , 135 New Cross Rd, London SE14 5DJ.

I’ve always wanted to exhibit the pictures where they were taken, so am very happy to be showing the series ‘Old Kent Road’ at Window135, which is about 300 yards further on down the  Old Kent Road.

Over 9 days, three pictures at a time will be rotated every three days. The remaining images will be on display in No 178 Cafe on the other side of the road.



Still/Moving DSLR Film Festival 2014

Sway 2014 will be shown at the Still/Moving Film Festival 2014 in Brixton, organised by Photofusion. It will be shown on Saturday 27th 20.00 – 22.30 at Grow:Brixton with the other selected shorts.


London Analogue Festival

Participated in the London Analogue Festival 2014, which was set up in 2013 by David Guerrini-Nazoa, an MA student of film-making at Goldsmith’s as he wanted a forum to show his analogue film, which snowballed into a festival. This year’s venue was the amazing Bargehouse building behind the Oxo Tower, if I’d known that so much space was available I would have created more than one picture as the building was big enough for each person to have acres of space. Despite being rather anarchic it was great fun and a million miles away from the sterile arty scene often found elsewhere, with image makers submitting from all over the world, and linked up with Analog Mania from Romania, a Ukrainian group and various french film makers.


1980s Croyden hair stylists’ competition.


Hackney, around 1978, when the GLC was in existence…



